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Supply Chain Excellence in Wallonia 2024-2025

Wallonia at the heart of the Supply Chain

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, our supply chains have been put to the test by a series of mostly unexpected events.

These events have highlighted the need for European companies to rethink their logistics plans and think outside the box. Concepts such as nearshoring, reindustrialisation, resilience, sovereignty, and agility have re-emerged in the public and political debate, but they also have an impact on the way our companies are organised.

More than ever, the supply chain will be at the core of this transformation. Although it is sometimes pushed into the background, supply chain (and therefore logistics) is becoming increasingly important for industries that need to design, manufacture and transport their products in optimum conditions.

For several years now, Wallonia has been building skills and a network of players federated by the Logistics in Wallonia cluster in order to develop original solutions that will enable us to excel in this field and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

We are keen to present them to you in this publication.

Happy reading !

Philippe Portier,
Chairman of the board at Logistics in Wallonia.

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