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Set Up your Logistics in Wallonia 2018-2019

Make the difference – choose Wallonia!

Many parameters come into play choosing where to locate a new logistics project. And yet, the experts are all agreed, the first factor is ‘location’! The north-west of Europe remains the principal port of entry to the European market. But how can Wallonia make the difference, compared to its direct neighbours? This new edition of Set Up Your Logistics in Wallonia will set out these famous factors which enable our region to stand out. I would in particular point to three of these. Firstly, the proactiveness of the authorities in granting permits, then new measures enabling the cost of future operations to be reduced (tax shift, reduced company tax, customs flexibility…) and finally, ever more fluid mobility enabling shipment times to be scheduled in all security. These are just a few examples which, when added to the quality of our infrastructures and the appetite for life of our inhabitants, will succeed in convincing you to locate your project in our region. Welcome to Wallonia! Jean-Marc Nizet, President, Logistics in Wallonia.

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